The other day, my friend
Pramod came up and complained bitterly: "You don't trust me any
Look dear Pramod: "Of late, you have been deviating from truth on many occasions. I have concrete evidence of 'lying' by you.
"Everyone lies occasionally" - said agitated Pramod.
"Agreed. Listen Pramod; There are "occasional liars", "habitual liars", and "compulsive liars". The first category are sensitive, and lie only when cornered, and with reservations. The second category are somewhat less sensitive, and lie even when avoidable, as a matter of habit. The third category are sick, highly insensitive, possess uncontrollable urge to lie, and lie all the time disregarding consequences, and causing hurt and harm to many without any discrimination or remorse".
"Where do I stand?" - enquired Pramod.
"Look!; I accept 'occasional' liars, but am guarded ("Trust-and-verify" model). I am very uncomfortable with 'habitual' liars; often verify what they say and do, often to their discomfort. I never trust 'compulsive' liars; I avoid them and refuse to deal with them normally. You are probably a habitual (second category) liar".
"I am sorry; give me a chance. I will make an effort to get out of this stupid urge to lie. Can probably accept most or all of those situations and sincerely explain my position without resorting to lying. I will develop the willingness to accept the consequences of speaking the truth.
'Good', dear friend. Stay close to TRUTH! I will give you a chance. I will also be very happy to have retrieved you from the disgraceful existence of being labelled 'liar'
"Remember: I fully trust, without second thought, all those who adhere to TRUTH. It is wonderful to be part of a trustful society."
My question to every liar and especially to the 'compulsive liar' is ---- "
'Good', dear friend. Stay close to TRUTH! I will give you a chance. I will also be very happy to have retrieved you from the disgraceful existence of being labelled 'liar'
"Remember: I fully trust, without second thought, all those who adhere to TRUTH. It is wonderful to be part of a trustful society."
My question to every liar and especially to the 'compulsive liar' is ---- "TELL ME THE BASIS ON WHICH I CAN TRUST YOU; I WILL ADOPT IT, MOST WILLINGLY"
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