Tuesday, June 16, 2015


HUMAN - The Beast

Humankind has been assigned the TOP slot in the animal world. Certain assumed qualities made the Human deserve this distinction of being the most civilised among the animals inhabiting the earth. Perhaps, this was the state of things in the animal kingdom in the beginning of life on the earth. Decidedly, some radical changes have occurred in the behavioural history of mankind in the centuries that followed; today's humans are uncivilised and beastly and make them the most destructive and undesirable animal on earth.

Humankind has exploited every other animal on earth and deprived them of their rightful existence as co-inhabitants of the earth. Humans have consistently and surely polluted and distorted everything else on earth: water, flora, fauna, land, air and all else in nature in the most destructive way. All for selfish reasons. Human is greedy, possessive and lustful.

Human is the worst exploiter on earth. The present status is nothing short of environmental anarchy. No one trusts a human today. He is hated and distrusted by his own fellow humans and every other form of lfe on earth.

Animals engage themselves in the acts of life only for the preservation and conduct of their life. Man is a killer, exploiter, hoarder, depriver, fighter, destroyer and a hated entity. Thus human today can be rechristened as 'BEAST' RIGHTLY.

Man has caused global warming; ecological balance of nature has been seriously compromised. Ice on the globe will melt; water in the seas will rise; vegetation will die and forests disappear, We will soon start experiencing water shortage, atmospheric heat, extinction of flora and fauna, emergence of new pathogens causing new disease. Anarchy will invade the globe and man will kill man till the human is extinguished from the earth.

"The human beast must be controlled. Human qualities must be reestablished and the earth saved. A dream that may not be realised. We are doomed."

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