Tuesday, June 16, 2015



Dictionary meanings of The word “argument” include:
·        A series of angry discussion between people who disagree with each other
·        A set of reasons given in support of an action or opinion.
·        A discussion involving conflicting points of view.
Primarily, the aim of an “argument” is “resolution of conflict.  It basically attempts tyo defend one’s position, opinion, or viewpoint  - however wrong, incomplete or biased it may be.  Often these discussions get mixed up with emotions and ego, often escalating into a major conflict. At times arguments threaten and damage relationships even.

As opposed to this, a debate can be a cordial and creative session seeking to establish truth, collectively.

Here are some guidelines for making arguments cordial and productive:
·        Stay calm and speak with a smile on face.
·        Never raise your voice and shout.
·        Avoid any expression of anger on the face.
·        Be a patient listener. Give a chance to the opponent to present his/her views.
·        If the discussion leads nowhere or a consensus is unlikely, end the session with an “AGREE TO DISAGREE”.

Hope your next argument would be pleasant, cordial, and productive.

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