Tuesday, June 30, 2015


We have a South Indian Musician in our list of favourites - O. S . Arun. Find him very different, creative, and interesting. 

O S Arun belongs to a family of renowned musicians - his brother is O S Thyagarajan. Arun has training in Carnatic, Hindustani and regional (folk) music.  Sings Bhajans, Devarnamas, Abhangs and Kirtans with equal comfort. His other DVD albums are: "Bhajans For U" and "Soulabhyam".

The unique ability of Arun is that he innovates and improvises the rendering all the time to invest his performance with freshness and novelty, making his music very rewarding to the listener. His music touches the soul and makes it soul-stirring. There are moments when the listener is taken to peaks of ecstatic experiences, touching the heart, head and body at once. It is a rare emotional experience. This is really the difference between technically perfect rendering that does not touch the heart and performance that combines technical excellence and emotional quality to make the music soul-stirring. The peak of soul-stirring experience is comparable to the orgasmic experience (climax) in a wholesome sexual act. I can only do full justice to the experience by calling it - SOULGASM (Meaning: Orgasmic experience to the soul).

I believe, a consummate musician must be able to touch peaks in technical excellence and soulgasmic quality. After all, music is the combination of 'sapthaswaras' (seven notes in an octave) to awaken the listener's senses and to impart a wholesome experience to it. Taking this experience to a climax results in soulgasm. That makes a consummate musician.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015



The other day, my friend Pramod came up and complained bitterly: "You don't trust me any longer".
Look dear Pramod: "Of late, you have been deviating from truth on many occasions. I have concrete evidence of 'lying' by you.
"Everyone lies occasionally" - said agitated Pramod.
"Agreed. Listen Pramod; There are "occasional liars", "habitual liars", and "compulsive liars". The first category are sensitive, and lie only when cornered, and with reservations. The second category are somewhat less sensitive, and lie even when avoidable, as a matter of habit. The third category are sick, highly insensitive, possess uncontrollable urge to lie, and lie all the time disregarding consequences, and causing hurt and harm to many without any discrimination or remorse".
"Where do I stand?" - enquired Pramod.
"Look!; I accept 'occasional' liars, but am guarded ("Trust-and-verify" model). I am very uncomfortable with 'habitual' liars; often verify what they say and do, often to their discomfort. I never trust 'compulsive' liars; I avoid them and refuse to deal with them normally. You are probably a habitual (second category) liar".
"I am sorry; give me a chance. I will make an effort to get out of this stupid urge to lie. Can probably accept most or all of those situations and sincerely explain my position without resorting to lying. I will develop the willingness to accept the consequences of speaking the truth.
'Good', dear friend. Stay close to TRUTH! I will give you a chance. I will also be very happy to have retrieved you from the disgraceful existence of being labelled 'liar'
"Remember: I fully trust, without second thought, all those who adhere to TRUTH. It is wonderful to be part of a trustful society."
My question to every liar and especially to the 'compulsive liar' is ---- "
'Good', dear friend. Stay close to TRUTH! I will give you a chance. I will also be very happy to have retrieved you from the disgraceful existence of being labelled 'liar'
"Remember: I fully trust, without second thought, all those who adhere to TRUTH. It is wonderful to be part of a trustful society."

My question to every liar and especially to the 'compulsive liar' is ---- "TELL ME THE BASIS ON WHICH I CAN TRUST YOU; I WILL ADOPT IT, MOST WILLINGLY"

IDOLATRY (Idol Worship)

I have for long ridiculed Idolatry (IDOL WORSHIP) and argued that GOD is the 'state of being a perfect human'. My view is that God cannot be found in any place or idol; one has to look for and find Him within oneself. Most religions accept that God is 'one'; then why the multiple entities worshipped by religious groups? In fact, Hindus practise idolatry liberally, and worship a dozen or more Gods in various forms and shapes. Their faith is different and multiple. All of them get the solace they are seeking.

What is idolatry? Usually defined as:
"Worship of any cult image, idea, or object, as opposed to the worship of a monotheistic God". ...... "Hinduism neither prescribes nor proscribes worship of images (idols)" ........ "Hindus believe with regard to God that he is one, eternal, without beginning or end, acting by free will, almighty, all-wise, beyond all likeness and unlikeness, and that he does not resemble anything nor does anything resemble him"

I have tried to examine the opposite viewpoint. My take on this is:

"Human race, when faced with adversities, looked up to someone to redeem them from their suffereing. They soon realised that no living being on earth has absolute control on the events that govern their life. This led to the concept of a supernatural power that controlled and shaped all that is happening in the universe. They saw earth, sun, moon, stars, water, wind, living nature (flora and fauna) and several other entities that constantly functioned in a harmonious manner to keep the universe going. It was soon realised that these entities were beyond humankind to alter or mend. Naturally, the mankind looked upto some celestial power that governed the life of everything everywhere. Thus was born the concept of GOD as an entity not approachable by earthly means. . Soon helpless and suffering people took to prayers as the only means to invoke their GOD for redeeming themselves from suffering.

Mankind required some symbol for their prayers rather than praying to an abstract power. The five elements (Panchabhootha - Water, Fire, Wind, Earth and cosmos) that kept life going were identified and some imaginary physical form or symbol was evolved to help praying. Several new forms of God ensued to suit every social group. Some adopted great humans who did enormous good for mankind, such as Lord Krishna, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammad, Buddha, Guru Govind Singh, and so on). These worshipers formed ehnic groups and adopted their God's teachings as their scriptures (Gita, Quaran, Bible, Budhist Teachings, Guru Granth Sahib) and made it their religion. This is perhaps the genesis of religious groups Hindus, Christians, Mohammadans, Sikhs, Budhists, and so on. In time, many more entities and religious groups and sub-groups evolved, and established their own cult and religious entity".

Thus God is worshipped and prayers are used to invoke God's grace to redeem mankind from sufferings that were beyond human power to redeem. The idols they evolved as their God became the focal point for their prayers. They prayed in total faith and attained mental strength to carry on and on.This, in short, is idolatry'

Having said all these, the question now is: How can we take away these idols from the people for whom the idol is the form in which they had faith, and from which they drew inspiration? When you can hang a picture of Mahatma Gandhi on your wall to draw inspiration from it, why not other idols? Idol is thus the accepted (acceptable) medium for humans to seek help from the supernatural - call it by any name.

Based on this analysis, I feel inclined to accept 'Idol Worship' as a practical device for mankind to draw solace and inspiration for overcoming their problems and sorrows. The device and the form are absolutely 'unique' for each person (personal God), and represents his/her faith. Faith is the guiding light for mankind; let us grant it.

Let us leave everyone to choose their God or idol as their symbol of faith, and as a means for redemption from suffering. I now believe, faith and idol worship are personal and individual; as real as life itself. It cannot be based on a mandate or order from any other, whoever it may be.


HUMAN - The Beast

Humankind has been assigned the TOP slot in the animal world. Certain assumed qualities made the Human deserve this distinction of being the most civilised among the animals inhabiting the earth. Perhaps, this was the state of things in the animal kingdom in the beginning of life on the earth. Decidedly, some radical changes have occurred in the behavioural history of mankind in the centuries that followed; today's humans are uncivilised and beastly and make them the most destructive and undesirable animal on earth.

Humankind has exploited every other animal on earth and deprived them of their rightful existence as co-inhabitants of the earth. Humans have consistently and surely polluted and distorted everything else on earth: water, flora, fauna, land, air and all else in nature in the most destructive way. All for selfish reasons. Human is greedy, possessive and lustful.

Human is the worst exploiter on earth. The present status is nothing short of environmental anarchy. No one trusts a human today. He is hated and distrusted by his own fellow humans and every other form of lfe on earth.

Animals engage themselves in the acts of life only for the preservation and conduct of their life. Man is a killer, exploiter, hoarder, depriver, fighter, destroyer and a hated entity. Thus human today can be rechristened as 'BEAST' RIGHTLY.

Man has caused global warming; ecological balance of nature has been seriously compromised. Ice on the globe will melt; water in the seas will rise; vegetation will die and forests disappear, We will soon start experiencing water shortage, atmospheric heat, extinction of flora and fauna, emergence of new pathogens causing new disease. Anarchy will invade the globe and man will kill man till the human is extinguished from the earth.

"The human beast must be controlled. Human qualities must be reestablished and the earth saved. A dream that may not be realised. We are doomed."



Human civilizations and social colonies have evolved, existed and served as cornerstones of a well-balanced basis for harmonious co-existence of a diverse and often competing universe of inhabitants of the earth. Each social group evolved and unconditionally adopted informal social structures for smooth administration of group functions and conflict resolution.

Humankind also functioned under such a system with formal administrative structures supported by well-defined responsibilities and authority. This formed the basis for a disciplined and cordial existence. Family units, social groups, corporations, governments, places of learning, places of worship and such other spheres of co-existence and co-operative endeavour functioned under such a system. The system still lives and serves well.

One single exception is a FAMILY UNIT that is gradually but surely drifting away from these time-tested principles, bringing forth a tragic state of indiscipline, chaos and constant conflict. The fundamental unit of human society is in disarray.

Today, an acceptable level of relationship is only as good as what the participants want, and not what is desirable. Beyond this level, we see pretentious relationships that are motivated or sustained by self-interest, social pressures and familial bonds. In this enforced state, family units exist and interact in a "make-believe world". This uncomfortable lifestyle often generates tensions, anger, frustrations, bitterness, hostility and such other negative emotions. In this dammed-up and fragile state, small events tend to spark hostile behavior and cause strained relationships, damaging the quality of living so fundamental to human existence and endeavor.

If this web of familial and social pressures are relaxed or removed, relationships may freely settle down to acceptable levels in each individual unit, and between the constituents of the larger family unit. A voluntary and cordial pattern of co-existence may evolve. The players may feel free to compromise traditional values without guilt and opt for this "dream state" to win the independence they are seeking and aspiring for.

This unfettered family unit may well be an acceptable model for the future. Peaceful, joyful and productive, for all. Every basic family unit (nuclear family) must strive to insulate itself from the pulls and pushes of affiliated families. This would reduce the interpersonal problems to manageable levels, largely confined to each unit.
Let's be honest; who are we trying to fool by living in a "make believe world". Reality is more durable in the long run.

(Nuclear families have existed in the developed world quite long. Several families in India too (especially in Metros) have opted for this. However, nuclear families are now realising the benefits of joint families especially with regard to overall support and security, and for support in bringing up children. Those not having their in-laws in the same city feel this even more. A system that combines the advantages of both Joint and Nuclear families would be ideal. Any thoughts on this?

Besides that, one cannot ignore the sufferings of aged parents and grandparents who are left to fend for themselves. This is a pathetic fallout of the concept of breaking "Joint Families" into nuclear families. In fact, it is a well-recognised social challenge today. Several initiatives to establish 'Senior Citizens' Homes' have come into being. Hope this serves as a solution in the years to come. These problems must be satisfactorily addressed, before we close the debate.)


FAITH ENERGY - The greatest force on earth.

Religious faith is perhaps the most powerful voluntary expression of human emotion. Billions of people demonstrate their faith in God represented by various names, forms and religions in every part of the world. The number of devotees is growing year after year demonstrating increasing faith in God. Devotees invoke divine intervention to answer their prayers and to redeem them from situations not capable of being solved by human intervention alone. Some important pilgrimages are:

Haj (the largest annual pilgrimage in the world signifying people’s ‘Submission to Allah’). Has the participation of over three million people from all over the world. This annual event has lived and grown for over fourteen centuries beginning sometime in the 7th century (AD).

Puri Jagannath Rath Yatra: Attracts over 2.5 million pilgrims annually. The magnitude of this event can be measured by the number of cooks and helpers (650) employed specially for feeding the participating pilgrims.

Maha Kumbh – This 44-day festival of faith once every 12 years in Allahabad (Sangam – the confluence of three sacred rivers – The Ganga, Yamuna and mythical Saraswati) attracts over 70 million pilgrims. Some visitors have dubbed this as the ‘greatest show on earth’.

Tirupathi-Tirumala Devasthanam: Daily pilgrim visits range from 50,000 to 100,000 throughout the year. The annual Brahmothsava attracts over 500,000 pilgrims.

Sabarimala: One of the most visited pilgrim centers in the world with an estimated 50-60 million devotees every year. Unique feature of this center is that people of all religions, castes and classes throng there with equal faith and devotion.

There are also hundreds smaller pilgrimages and events that add to the massive base of faith-based human endeavor.

It is a marvel that the power of faith makes multitudes upon multitudes of the old and week and the young and frail make the pilgrimage without hesitation or complaint upon incredibly tiresome and long journeys and difficult environmental hurdles. This emotionally charged act is beyond imagination. What fuels them can be aptly described as ‘FAITH ENERGY”.

We can confidently claim that there is no other force known to mankind, that moves emotionally charged people to places near and far and reinforces their hope – hope to have their prayers granted. Pilgrims and devotees throng religious centers in millions disregarding risks, illness, disabilities, distance and inconvenience. Those possessed by this emotional energy seem to develop the stamina to withstand and suffer any kind of obstacle. Is it not “FAITH ENERGY’ that drives them?

If ‘FAITH ENERGY’ is the most powerful motivating force, how else can mankind harness this for the betterment of the population on a social plane? If any of our national programmes (such as conservation, population control, health, adult education, infant mortality, etc) can ride on this motive energy, one can possibly attain large-scale participation and greater success. Many a social cause was linked to religious practices even in the Vedic age. Why not now.

Think about it. It can take us miles and miles forward in our national construction.


I believe Astrology lacks the qualities and characterises of a Science. It can only be regarded as a “device” with certain merit and value in practical life.

When it comes to reading one’s past (often the basis for believers’ faith) it is possible to score some hits by chance. Prediction of future is  much like a game of dice – again success by chance. One can score some hits even without the help of astrology. In spite of these vagaries and uncertainties, astrology enjoys the patronage of a large section of the world population, especially Indians who are superstitious and believers of myth.  Humans are curious to know what cannot be known; revelations by astrology cannot be challenged easily either.  Consequently, believers and non-believers like to take a blind peek into their past and future without much risk or luck.

Interestingly, astrologers (astrology) provide remedial rituals to calm the minds of believers and to give them confidence to pursue favourable  predictions and to face unfavourable predictions with courage and hope. That is useful when earthly methods fail to help steer life with all its vagaries. Survival of astrology is based on this kind of attitude. It is like lottery;try with doubt and bank fully on luck and hope. Yet everyone likes gamble.

"One should not  underestimate the power and value of Astrology as a device for lending psychological support to those who need it and have faith in astrological predictions. Besides predictions, Astrology provides remedial measures (pariharas) to face and overcome adverse predictions.  Very importantly, it steps up the confidence  in facing situations, and augments the outcome of positive predictions. A confident person has a better chance to win. This is a truth well documented."       



Dictionary meanings of The word “argument” include:
·        A series of angry discussion between people who disagree with each other
·        A set of reasons given in support of an action or opinion.
·        A discussion involving conflicting points of view.
Primarily, the aim of an “argument” is “resolution of conflict.  It basically attempts tyo defend one’s position, opinion, or viewpoint  - however wrong, incomplete or biased it may be.  Often these discussions get mixed up with emotions and ego, often escalating into a major conflict. At times arguments threaten and damage relationships even.

As opposed to this, a debate can be a cordial and creative session seeking to establish truth, collectively.

Here are some guidelines for making arguments cordial and productive:
·        Stay calm and speak with a smile on face.
·        Never raise your voice and shout.
·        Avoid any expression of anger on the face.
·        Be a patient listener. Give a chance to the opponent to present his/her views.
·        If the discussion leads nowhere or a consensus is unlikely, end the session with an “AGREE TO DISAGREE”.

Hope your next argument would be pleasant, cordial, and productive.



PRODIGAL SON - (Also modified to 'Lost Son): Jesus tells the story of a man who has two sons. The younger demands his share of his inheritance while his father is still living, and goes off to a distant country where he "waste[s] his substance with riotous living", and eventually has to take work as a swineherd (clearly a low point, as swine are unclean in Judaism). There he comes to his senses, and decides to return home and throw himself at his father's mercy, thinking that even if his father does disown him, that being one of his servants is still far better than feeding pigs. But when he returns home, his father greets him with open arms, and hardly gives him a chance to express his repentance; he kills a fatted calf to celebrate his return. The older brother resents the favored treatment of his faithless brother and complains of the lack of reward for his own faithfulness. But the father responds:

"Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine. We should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

(When questioned about the fairness of the father's act, Jesus claims that the second son was in fact lost but regained. The second son's case is like that of a person who sins but acknowledges the sins and makes amends for it. This return of the LOST is worth celebrating. This is why the title of the parable is really: 'lost son')."

Jesus narrates two more parables to drive home his point: LOST COIN: A lady who lost one of her 100 coins, devotes all her attention and time to search and find the lost coin. When found, she rejoices the event more than the she does for the 99 coins that remained with her all along. LOST SHEEP: A Shepperd who lost one of his 100 sheep leaves the 99 behind and goes searching the lost one. When found, he celebrates the event thus showering more importance to the sheep lost and found. Through thesethree parables Christ drives home the greatness of anyone who sins first, but realises the fault and makes amends for it.


In real life, relationships often exist in rigid forms trapping the relatives in predetermined norms and rules of behavior bordering on "bondage". Relatives resent their status, but continue to fit into the norms, sacrificing their freedom and opportunities. This is true of many or most of us..

Undesired and unlikely relationships are not worth keeping alive using familial/social pressures and coercive methods. Tone down and liberalise such relationships smoothly to a realistic status and liberate the parties to settle down to a new relationship of freedom and overall comfort. We have to learn to break away from bandages and seek to establish comfortable  relationships with fellow humans to make our existence more desirable and productive.

Is such a philosophy practicable in any society that exists today? Why not?