Prayaschitta (penance) is prescribed in Indian religious texts (Vedas) as procedure for atonement of SINS.. When people commit
sins, violating the dharma - a value system prescribed in the Cosmic Law, Prayaschitta offers a way out of the resultant guilt and its painful burden on mind. The practice prayaschitta, involves fasting, chanting of mantras, charity, pilgrimage, etc., in order to
atone with the gods and with fellow humans. This penance is also
understood to help liberate the performer from the adverse consequences of Karma and Sins.
A liberal interpretation of Prayaschitta would be a cathartic exercise to rid the minds of sinners of their sins and the the guilt they suffer from. One would interpret this as a psychotherapeutic procedure.
Whatever the interpretation, this is an admirable procedure to help sinners overcome the mental burden of carrying the guilt resulting from their misdeeds (Sins), and lead them to a more peaceful life. Whatever the rationale of these vedic procedures, one must accept its value in helping humans out of their crises.
A liberal interpretation of Prayaschitta would be a cathartic exercise to rid the minds of sinners of their sins and the the guilt they suffer from. One would interpret this as a psychotherapeutic procedure.
Whatever the interpretation, this is an admirable procedure to help sinners overcome the mental burden of carrying the guilt resulting from their misdeeds (Sins), and lead them to a more peaceful life. Whatever the rationale of these vedic procedures, one must accept its value in helping humans out of their crises.